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Showing posts from June, 2017

Time Flies

Hello, earthling blog readers! Sorry for the huge dearth of posts. Life happens. Blogging doesn't always! Here are some month by month updates and such since I last posted. March School started again (post-flooding) at the very end of March. Things were hugely hectic as we had a lot of class time to make up for due to the missed lessons during flooding. I taught double my normal teaching load every day for the end of March and first half of April. I taught after school or during free lessons as well as teaching nearly every Saturday. It was seriously crazy for a while there! April See above. Exams started mid-April for the learners and cramming in final topics was hard work, but the kids and I all survived! It all paid off because they generally did quite well on their exam. The very same day that my kids wrote their exams, I grabbed my stacks of marking and hitchhiked down south to welcome the new group of Community Economic Development (Entrepreneurship/Business) PCVs. Th...