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Site announcement!

Hi all! 

I found out my permanent site yesterday and also had my final language proficiency test-- big day! 

I'll be in Onhokolo village (population somewhere between 1 and 4 thousand) in the Omusati region! The closest town is Outapi, which is 25 km from the village. Outapi is almost to Angola in NW Namibia. Do a Google Maps search of "Outapi, Omusati, Namibia" for an idea of where I'll be! I'll be living in a teacher's flat with two other (female) teachers from the school and having a "foster family" next door. The flat has running water inside, along with electricity, a flushing toilet, and a shower! Posh Corps life! I'll be teaching grades 8-10 English and the school has many sports teams and wants me to start a garden and give computer literacy seminars. The community also wants me to be involved in the Heath outreach group, as many community members lack information about basic healthcare. I'm really excited by the secondary projects that they have expressed interest in! 

The living situation is very different from what I experienced at CBT (community based training) for the past month and I was in shock when I found out that I wouldn't be living with a host family and that I would have such a nice flat. But I really think it's the best of both worlds in terms of independence and also having a family connection. I'm happy I'll get to cook for myself! The placement is in a region that is pretty far out there, as you can see on the map, so that shocked me a bit at first, too. It gets really, really hot in the far north, so I'm bracing myself for that! Despite the site being pretty different than my expectations, I am thrilled with the placement and can't wait to be there in one short week! My school's principal will come to Okahandja (where we're training) for a workshop for a few days and then to take me to my new home! Eeee! 

The language proficiency test went well too. We got the results today, and I scored right at the required benchmark! I'm hoping to get a tutor at site and keep learning Oshiwambo. It's hard to learn a language in a country where English is the official language, but it's so important for integration and learning the culture that I'm planning to keep studying and learning. 

That's all for now-- I may try and write once more before I move to my new home next Friday! Also, on Thursday, we will have a swearing-in ceremony and become official PCVs! My group is performing a traditional song and dance (the one from the video I shared)... Stay tuned for a video of us! 

Thanks for reading! I hope you are well. Sending hugs, laughs, and love!


  1. Hi Christy! I thought you were learning Oshindonga? Is this a switch?

    1. Hi Mom! Good eye! Oshiwambo is the umbrella term used to describe all of the dialects in the north. So, saying that I'm learning Oshindonga is just being specific and saying which dialect of Oshiwambo I'm learning. However, with this placement I will be switching dialects! I'll be switching to Oshimbalanhu, but it's still an Oshiwambo dialect... Hopefully it isn't too different!

  2. Super cool, Christy! Love reading about what you are doing. Please keep us posted on all your endeavors.

    1. Thanks Mr. T! I appreciate the message and the support. I'll do my best to keep up with the blogging! Hope you are well! :)

  3. Do you have a new mailing address?

    1. LN! How are you?! Yes, I will have a new mailing address. When my supervisor comes for the workshop next week, I will ask if it's okay if I use the school P.O. Box, or if I should get my own with some other volunteers in the region. Once I have a new address, I'll post it! For now, it's probably best to hold off until I know the new address. Thanks LN!

  4. Great update Christy! Thinking of you and praying for you and your PC adventure and service back in Glenview! Love and hugs too!

    1. Thank you, Tracey! I so appreciate the support, interest, and prayers! ❤️

  5. This is so awesome! I love being able to read up on your adventures!! Can't wait to hear about your placement and how the teaching is going! :)

    1. Thanks Mrellen! I love staying updated on your life via snapchat! :)


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