Hi all! It's been a while since my last post. Oops! Thanks to Molly for calling me out on it and encouraging me to get back at it :) So, just to give you a window into my daily life, here's my average day: 6:30-- Rise and shine! (Or in my case, press the snooze button ~5 times and groggily, begrudgingly awake from slumber.) 6:31-- Put on the kettle for coffee. (First thing, because you never know when the electricity will go out!) 6:30-7:00-- Shower (yes, I have an actual shower... and YES I have hot water. I'm very spoiled. This is not normal in PC Namibia. #poshcorps) and get ready for the day! 7:00-7:30-- Eat breakfast (oatmeal, cornflakes, or yogurt and granola), do dishes, last minute prep before school. 7:30ish-- Head to school! 8:00-- School starts. There are 8 periods a day, 5 days a week. That's 40 periods a week. I teach 28 periods a week, so you get the idea. Average of 5.6 periods taught per day. When I'm not teaching, I'm marking (grading...
An account of my experience as a Peace Corps Education volunteer in Namibia, August 2015-2017! Please note that the contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps.