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Daily Schedule

Hi all!

It's been a while since my last post. Oops! Thanks to Molly for calling me out on it and encouraging me to get back at it :)

So, just to give you a window into my daily life, here's my average day:

6:30-- Rise and shine! (Or in my case, press the snooze button ~5 times and groggily, begrudgingly awake from slumber.)
6:31-- Put on the kettle for coffee. (First thing, because you never know when the electricity will go out!)
6:30-7:00-- Shower (yes, I have an actual shower... and YES I have hot water. I'm very spoiled. This is not normal in PC Namibia. #poshcorps) and get ready for the day!
7:00-7:30-- Eat breakfast (oatmeal, cornflakes, or yogurt and granola), do dishes, last minute prep before school.
7:30ish-- Head to school!
8:00-- School starts. There are 8 periods a day, 5 days a week. That's 40 periods a week. I teach 28 periods a week, so you get the idea. Average of 5.6 periods taught per day. When I'm not teaching, I'm marking (grading), lesson planning, blogging, doing Peace Corps paperwork, etc.
11:20-11:50-- Tea break time! I run home quickly and grab a small snack for "lunch."
1:50-- School ends. Work does not!
4:00-- Typically around the time that I throw in the towel with marking for the day and head home!

After school activities vary. Sometimes, I do yoga and run! Sometimes, I go to town and do grocery shopping. Sometimes, I hang out at one of the other teacher's flats. Sometimes, I read. Sometimes, I keep marking (grading). Sometimes, I chat on the phone with other PCVs. Sometimes, I chat over the internet with family and friends at home. Sometimes, I watch TV shows or movies on my computer. Sometimes, I journal (rare occasion). Who knows!

5:30-- Start cooking dinner (this is early so the heat from the stove can find its way out before nighttime).
6:30-- Eat!
9:30-- In bed because I'm a grandma and I live in the village.

There you have it... a very general description of my average day here in Oshikulufitu, Omusati, Namibia!

Please comment with things you'd like to hear about in my next blog post! I'll try and get another one up next week before the long holiday/term break comes. Speaking of which, I am SO EXCITED to hike Fish River Canyon with a bunch of PCV friends and ALSO see Caitlin and Elyssa (two friends from home who are PCVs in Tanzania) and my parents (!!!) in Tanzania in May!


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